DIOPD presented prototypes at the PhD day of IDE, TU Delft yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00June 16, 2016|News|
Launch of the Spanish edition of the Positive Design Reference Guide yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00May 2, 2016|News|
DIOPD presents the design tool ‘emotionPrism’ at the Mind the Step exhibition during the Dutch Design Week yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00October 22, 2015|News|
DIOPD contributes to the launch event of the Dutch Positive Psychology Journal yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00August 23, 2015|News|
DIOPD contributes to the 2015 Rotterdam Route of Happiness yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00June 18, 2015|News|
Prof. Dr. Rafael Calvo visits Delft Institute of Positive Design yoon2023-09-11T14:08:02+01:00June 4, 2015|Events, News|
Design for symbolic meaning that supports user happiness yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00May 25, 2015|News|
Positive Design continues to inspire! InnovationLab and DIOPD collaborated on a project called Happy City Haian Xue2023-09-11T14:08:02+01:00May 10, 2015|Events, News|
Launch of the Positive Design Reference Guide anna2023-09-11T14:08:02+01:00April 1, 2015|Events, News|
‘From User Experiences to Human Experiences’ at UX week 2014 anna2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00October 8, 2014|News|
Library of Interaction Qualities (closed) yoon2023-10-04T23:12:28+01:00August 25, 2014|News, Openings|
Special Issue on ‘Design for Subjective Well-Being’ anna2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00December 9, 2013|News|
New project started: Applying Reversal theory to redesign the air travel experience Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00March 21, 2013|News|
Call for Papers I Special Issue on “Designing for Subjective Wellbeing” anna2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00January 26, 2013|News|
Happiness profiles for products Steven Fokkinga2023-10-04T23:12:28+01:00November 7, 2012|News, Openings|
Diversity of Happiness & Diversity of Design Steven Fokkinga2023-10-04T23:12:28+01:00November 7, 2012|News, Openings|
Tiny-Task – happiness-enhancing product-service system Steven Fokkinga2023-10-04T23:12:28+01:00November 7, 2012|News, Openings|
Delft Institute of Positive Design participates the Intensive Programme (IP) “Co-Constructing Healthy Experiences” Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00September 3, 2012|News|
IDE Emotional Design involved in new format NOS ‘Journaal’ Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00June 22, 2012|News|