Assessing basic/fundamental psychological need fulfillment: systematic mapping and review of existing scales to foster cumulative science Haian Xue2024-10-01T08:31:52+01:00October 1, 2024|Library, Publications|
On the Cultivation of Designers’ Emotional Connoisseurship (Part 2): A Pedagogical Initiative Haian Xue2024-09-29T16:55:09+01:00September 29, 2024|Library, Publications|
On the Cultivation of Designers’ Emotional Connoisseurship (Part 1): A Theoretical Positioning Haian Xue2024-06-19T15:36:51+01:00June 19, 2024|Library, Publications|
Happy urban public spaces: a systematic review of the key factors affecting citizen happiness in public environments Haian Xue2024-06-19T10:05:50+01:00June 19, 2024|Library, Publications|
Inside out: Addressing the “how” of data collection in experience design research applying introspective methods Haian Xue2024-06-19T09:49:40+01:00June 12, 2024|Library, Publications|
Demystifying emotion for designers: A five-day course based on seven fundamental principles Haian Xue2024-01-04T22:46:23+01:00January 4, 2024|Library, Publications|
Mood in Experience Design: A Scoping Review Haian Xue2024-01-04T22:33:37+01:00January 4, 2024|Library, Publications|
A framework for designing AI systems that support community wellbeing Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00June 6, 2023|Library, Publications|
Liminal design: A conceptual framework and three-step approach for developing technology that delivers transcendence and deeper experiences Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00February 12, 2023|Library, Publications|
Emotion Deep Dive for Designers: Seven Propositions That Operationalize Emotions in Design Innovation Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00August 10, 2022|Library, Publications|
Design for balance: Wellness and health Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00August 9, 2022|Library, Publications|
Games for COVID-19: A need-based exploration of gamified interventions Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00August 9, 2022|Library, Publications|
Positive design during a pandemic Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00August 9, 2022|Library, Publications|
Harmony in Design: A Synthesis of Literature from Classical Philosophy, the Sciences, Economics, and Design Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00April 12, 2022|Library, Publications|
Chill, Fiery, Slack, and Five Other Vibes: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Group Mood Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00April 12, 2022|Library, Publications|
The Eye Inward and the Eye Outward: Introducing a Framework for Mood-Sensitive Service Encounters Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00April 12, 2022|Library, Publications|
The architecture of creativity: Toward a causal theory of creative workspace design Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00September 20, 2021|Library, Publications|
Thirteen Fundamental Psychological Needs Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00January 11, 2021|Library, Publications|
Designing for Positive Emotions: Issues and Emerging Research Directions Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00November 22, 2020|Library, Publications|
Émotions à la carte: Exploring emotional paradoxes through edible DIY-Materials for product design Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00September 22, 2020|Library, Publications|
From Discovery to Application: What to Expect when Designing with Dilemmas Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00September 17, 2020|Library, Publications|
Collage for Designers: Invent, Involve, Inspire Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00May 11, 2020|Library, Publications|
Mood Granularity for Design: Introducing a Holistic Typology of 20 Mood States Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00May 6, 2020|Library, Publications|
The Same Person Is Never the Same: Introducing Mood-Stimulated Thought/Action Tendencies for User-Centered Design Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00September 28, 2019|Library, Publications|
Objects with symbolic meaning: 16 directions to inspire design for well-being Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00April 26, 2019|Library, Publications|
Researcher introspection for experience-driven design research Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00April 26, 2019|Library, Publications|
Billy Cash: Digital piggy bank for meaningful saving behavior Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00July 3, 2018|Library, Publications|
Positive Design in Journal of Positive Psychology yoon2024-12-11T22:20:53+01:00April 3, 2018|Library, Publications|
Long-term goals or immediate desires? Introducing a Toolset for Designing with Self- Control Dilemmas Haian Xue2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00March 23, 2017|Library, Publications|
When ‘Feeling Good’ is not Good Enough: Seven Key Opportunities for Emotional Granularity in Product Development yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00January 2, 2017|Library, Publications|
Developing Usage Guidelines for a Card-Based Design Tool: A Case of the Positive Emotional Granularity Cards yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00December 4, 2016|Library, Publications|
Meaningful Things: Exploring the Symbolic Meaning of the Material Environment and its Impact on Happiness (videography) yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00November 12, 2016|Library, Publications|
Mood measurement with Pick-A-Mood: review of current methods and design of a pictorial self-report scale yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00October 4, 2016|Library, Publications|
Beyond Resolving Dilemmas: Three Design Directions for Addressing Intrapersonal Concern Conflicts yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00July 17, 2016|Library, Publications|
Form Matters: Design Creativity in Positive Psychological Interventions yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00July 5, 2016|Library, Publications|
Using symbolic meaning as a means to design for happiness: The development of a card set for designers yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00June 18, 2016|Library, Publications|
Design for Mood: Twenty Activity-Based Opportunities to Design for Mood Regulation yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00November 19, 2015|Library, Publications|
Feeding Your Piggy Bank with Intentions: A Study on Saving Behaviour, Saving strategies, and Happiness yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00November 19, 2015|Library, Publications|
Extending product life by introducing symbolic meaning yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00June 18, 2015|Library, Publications|
The Mood Street: Designing for Nuanced Positive Emotions yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00November 28, 2014|Library, Publications|
Enjoying Joy: A Process-Based Approach to Design for Prolonged Pleasure yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00November 28, 2014|Library, Publications|
Learning from the Positive: A Structured Approach to Possibility-Driven Design yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00November 28, 2014|Library, Publications|
Positive Design: New Challenges, Opportunities, and Responsibilities for Design yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00November 28, 2014|Library, Publications|
Positive Design: An Introduction to Design for Subjective Well-Being yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00December 13, 2013|Library, Publications|
Ten Ways to Design for Disgust, Sadness, and Other Enjoyments: A Design Approach to Enrich Product Experiences with Negative Emotions yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00May 15, 2013|Library, Publications|
Design for Interest: Exploratory Study on a Distinct Positive Emotion in Human-Product Interaction Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00September 19, 2012|Library, Publications|
Faces of Product Pleasure: 25 Positive Emotions in Human-Product Interactions Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00September 19, 2012|Library, Publications|