The Journal “RChD: Creación y Pensamiento”—Special Issue on Emotional Design yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00July 25, 2018|News|
Telltail: Understanding feline behavior and personality to increase the human-animal bond in order to prevent owner-surrender yoon2023-12-30T15:45:46+01:00May 30, 2018|Projects, Student projects|
Positive Design in Journal of Positive Psychology yoon2024-12-11T22:20:53+01:00April 3, 2018|Library, Publications|
Global Dialogue for Happiness + World Government Summit yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00February 7, 2018|News|
Mapping the creative workspace yoon2023-09-11T14:55:01+01:00February 5, 2018|Current projects, Projects, Research projects|
Symposium: What can the social sciences learn from design research? yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00January 11, 2018|News|
Interview with Pieter Desmet on Positive Design in Juist Magazine yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00December 8, 2017|News|
Three PhD projects on design for mood regulation yoon2023-10-04T23:12:28+01:00December 8, 2017|News, Openings|
MCE conference: Not more, but more meaningful technology yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00May 2, 2017|News|
From gloomy to cheerful: Mood regulation by design yoon2023-09-11T14:55:01+01:00April 24, 2017|Current projects, Projects, Research projects|
Designer Manifesto – Anna Pohlmeyer at Design Matters yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00February 22, 2017|News|
When ‘Feeling Good’ is not Good Enough: Seven Key Opportunities for Emotional Granularity in Product Development yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00January 2, 2017|Library, Publications|
Developing Usage Guidelines for a Card-Based Design Tool: A Case of the Positive Emotional Granularity Cards yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00December 4, 2016|Library, Publications|
Meaningful Things: Exploring the Symbolic Meaning of the Material Environment and its Impact on Happiness (videography) yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00November 12, 2016|Library, Publications|
Designing for happiness: A workshop about symbolic meaning yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00October 17, 2016|News|
Mood measurement with Pick-A-Mood: review of current methods and design of a pictorial self-report scale yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00October 4, 2016|Library, Publications|
Harnessing the role of meaning in products and services to foster eco-sufficient user behavior yoon2023-09-11T14:55:01+01:00September 23, 2016|Project repository, Projects, Research projects|
Beyond Resolving Dilemmas: Three Design Directions for Addressing Intrapersonal Concern Conflicts yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00July 17, 2016|Library, Publications|
Form Matters: Design Creativity in Positive Psychological Interventions yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00July 5, 2016|Library, Publications|
Using symbolic meaning as a means to design for happiness: The development of a card set for designers yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00June 18, 2016|Library, Publications|
DIOPD presented prototypes at the PhD day of IDE, TU Delft yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00June 16, 2016|News|
Launch of the Spanish edition of the Positive Design Reference Guide yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00May 2, 2016|News|
Design for Mood: Twenty Activity-Based Opportunities to Design for Mood Regulation yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00November 19, 2015|Library, Publications|
Feeding Your Piggy Bank with Intentions: A Study on Saving Behaviour, Saving strategies, and Happiness yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00November 19, 2015|Library, Publications|
DIOPD presents the design tool ‘emotionPrism’ at the Mind the Step exhibition during the Dutch Design Week yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00October 22, 2015|News|
Designing for Personal and Environmental Wellbeing yoon2023-12-30T15:50:32+01:00September 29, 2015|Projects, Student projects|
DIOPD contributes to the launch event of the Dutch Positive Psychology Journal yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00August 23, 2015|News|
DIOPD contributes to the 2015 Rotterdam Route of Happiness yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00June 18, 2015|News|
Extending product life by introducing symbolic meaning yoon2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00June 18, 2015|Library, Publications|
Prof. Dr. Rafael Calvo visits Delft Institute of Positive Design yoon2023-09-11T14:08:02+01:00June 4, 2015|Events, News|
Design for symbolic meaning that supports user happiness yoon2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00May 25, 2015|News|