Happiness profiles for products Steven Fokkinga2023-10-04T23:12:28+01:00November 7, 2012|News, Openings|
Diversity of Happiness & Diversity of Design Steven Fokkinga2023-10-04T23:12:28+01:00November 7, 2012|News, Openings|
Tiny-Task – happiness-enhancing product-service system Steven Fokkinga2023-10-04T23:12:28+01:00November 7, 2012|News, Openings|
Design for Interest: Exploratory Study on a Distinct Positive Emotion in Human-Product Interaction Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00September 19, 2012|Library, Publications|
Faces of Product Pleasure: 25 Positive Emotions in Human-Product Interactions Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00September 19, 2012|Library, Publications|
Delft Institute of Positive Design participates the Intensive Programme (IP) “Co-Constructing Healthy Experiences” Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00September 3, 2012|News|
Negative emotions for Social change Steven Fokkinga2023-10-02T11:45:39+01:00August 23, 2012|Uncategorized|
A kind ATM named John Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T14:55:01+01:00July 20, 2012|Projects, Student projects|
IDE Emotional Design involved in new format NOS ‘Journaal’ Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T13:58:00+01:00June 22, 2012|News|
Motivating quieter behavior in ICU’s Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T14:55:01+01:00April 13, 2012|Projects, Student projects|
I Knew I Shouldn’t, Yet I Did It Again! Emotion-driven Design as a Means to Motivate Subjective Well-being Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00April 7, 2012|Library, Publications|
Havenkrant Rotterdam: Pret eilandjes in de Rijnhaven Eple2023-10-05T14:41:40+01:00March 18, 2012|Press|
Improving the welfare of pigs Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T14:55:01+01:00March 9, 2012|Projects, Student projects|
Can we deliberately design products and services that increase the well-being of individuals and communities? Steven Fokkinga2023-10-02T11:46:58+01:00February 22, 2012|Uncategorized|
Towards happiness: possibility-driven design Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00February 17, 2012|Library, Publications|
The traumas of isolation cells Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T14:55:01+01:00February 17, 2012|Projects, Student projects|
The adventure of a hospitalization Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T14:55:01+01:00February 17, 2012|Projects, Student projects|
Fragment, sharing your stories with neighbors Eple2023-09-11T14:55:01+01:00January 4, 2012|Projects, Student projects|
TEDx Utrecht Pieter Desmet on design for happiness. yoon2023-10-05T08:52:23+01:00December 17, 2011|Press|
Three levels of product emotion Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00February 22, 2010|Library, Publications|
Special Issue Editorial: Design & Emotion Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00February 22, 2009|Library, Publications|
Emotional Design; Application of a research-based design approach Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00February 22, 2007|Library, Publications|
Framework of Product Experience Steven Fokkinga2023-09-11T15:16:39+01:00February 22, 2007|Library, Publications|
Premo (Emotion Measurement Instrument) yoon2023-09-11T15:17:34+01:00May 12, 2002|Library, Tools & methods|