On behalf of the IDE Delft Institute of Positive Design (DIOPD), Pieter Desmet and Anna Pohlmeyer participated in the successful application of this IP project, which focuses on the (health and) well-being of individuals, communities and the society as a whole. The aim is to develop methodology and teaching methods and approaches that focus on wellbeing-driven design. The intended impact is to improve the wellbeing of European citizens and boost the competitiveness of wellbeing-related industries and businesses, as well as address global wellbeing issues.
This IP trains future young professionals in creating relevant and sustainable products/services that improve health and wellbeing through end-user development. This project brings together a multidisciplinary pool of students from the disciplines of industrial design, sports & movement & wellness, occupational therapy, psychology and electromechanical engineering. Health concepts according to open design and low-volume manufacturing standards will be co-constructed between student teams, end-users and stakeholders from the health & wellbeing sector. Understanding an end-user is essential to better understand the process of designing meaningful experiences: who one is, how one is connected to his/her environment and how he/she achieves personal goals, hopes and aspirations.
This IP will runn in 2013 and 2014. Delft teachers and studnets will participate in international workshops.
Howest University (Belgium), Babes-Bolyai University (Romania), Rotterdam University (Netherlands), Cardiff Metropolitan University (United Kingdom), Hanze University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), Free University of Brussels (Belgium), Technical University In Zvolen (Slovakia)
Pieter Desmet p.m.a.desmet@tudelft.nl
Anna Pohlmeyer a.e.pohlmeyer@tudelft.nl