On June 1st, Dr. Anna Pohlmeyer will give a keynote presentation at the Conference “Health Supported by Technology”, organized by the Center for eHealth & Wellbeing Research of the University of Twente, in collaboration with the University Medical Center Groningen.

The conference is interactive; demonstrating and discussing progress in development of eHealth interventions and introducing new methods and models for behaviour change using monitoring technologies. Participants will have every opportunity to meet and discuss with colleagues from research, health care, policy and innovative businesses.


Anna’s keynote summary:

Brave New Tech
According to the World Health Organisation, health is more than the absence of disease – it is also a matter of mental and social wellbeing. While physical health has been addressed through design for decades, design for psychological wellbeing has only recently received explicit attention in design research. In this talk, Dr. Pohlmeyer will share challenges, opportunities as well as many examples of Design for Happiness. Some of these are behavioural intervention technologies in the form of personal apps that support people with trainings, and services to improve their health and wellbeing. However, despite scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of dedicated interventions, these face a number of challenges such as limited reach. In addition to supporting people’s wellbeing through specialised interventions, design can also have impact on people’s wellbeing through already existing routines of the everyday. Even simple interactions of preparing dinner and commuting to work can be designed with wellbeing principles in mind. Dr. Pohlmeyer argues that a key element of wellbeing promotion and bringing Design for Happiness to scale is weaving it into everyday practices.